

The 泫圖app COVID-19 Taskforce developed strategies and materials to communicate changes in operations, expectations and health information in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Based on the current COVID-19 conditions in 泫圖apps (泫圖app) five-county service area and consultation with public health experts on and off-campus, 泫圖app has developed guidelines and resources for a continued safe learning environment.

Overall, the institution will follow ALL recommendations from both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Mississippi Department of Health.

The following mandates and adjustments to institutional operations will take place to maintain the overall health and well-being of the campus and larger communities:

  • The 泫圖app campus and satellite locations will close facilities to the general public. This means the Pinnacle, the Magnolia Room, and the Gallery on campus will not be available to be rented by the general public until further notice.
  • Pre-school conference for Spring 2022 will be held virtually. Departments will meet individually in a virtual format.
  • The campus mask/facial cover mandate on campus will continue. The institution will require the use of KN95 masks, which have been found to provide better protection for the wearer and reduce the spread of the virus. KN95 masks will be readily available throughout the Coahoma campus.
  • The institution will continue to limit the size of classes on campus and encourage social distancing.
  • The Mississippi Department of Health has not approved the new CDC guidelines of 5 days. Therefore, 泫圖app will continue to follow the Mississippi Department of Health guidelines. They may be accessed here: 
  • Students residing on campus will be required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test dated three days prior to moving on campus. 泫圖app will schedule a testing time for those who did not receive one before moving back on campus.
  • Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 prior to beginning the semester.
  • Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to get their booster shots and other vaccinations associated with the prevention of COVID-19 infections.

Karen Woods-Done, director of the Division of Student Engagement, says that these precautions are in the best interest of the campus community and that Coahoma is approaching entry into the spring semester with great awareness.  

We are implementing several additional changes in support of our students, faculty and staff for the start of classes on Jan. 10. We instituting aKN95 mask mandate. These are readily available and accessible on campus, said Woods-Done. The CDC has stated that this mask is the best mask to help ease the transmissions of Covid 19.

The instution's plans established since the onset of the pandemic have helped to keep outbreaks to a minimum, limiting interruptions in the college's daily operations.

"Our COVID-19 policies and procedures remain in place, and we also ask all members of our campus community to wear a mask in all public settings (including residence halls) and get fully vaccinated (including a booster)," said Woods-Done.

Woods-Done also stated that 泫圖app is invested in supporting the campus community on multiple levels and will provide additional support to help individuals cope with stress and anxiety.

We have hired Mental Health resource assistants for use for the residential campus and entire college community, Woods-Done added. We will also have yoga classes as well. We know the best experience for our students is on campus with in-person classes, and we want to do everything we can to make that possible.

Additionally, the college has planned increased cleaning protocols to help stop the transmission of the disease.

What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

泫圖app continues to actively monitor the spread of the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) due to infection with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). People in numerous countries, including the United States, have been infected. At this time, there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus at the 泫圖app.

College officials remain in contact with state public health officials to ensure that we are following the latest information, trends and guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Additionally, we are following alerts and recommendations from the U.S. Department of State.

The Mississippi State Department of Health has established a COVID-19 hotline for the general public, 877-978-6453. It is available MondayFriday, 8 a.m.5 p.m.

The safety and well-being of the college community is always our highest priority. We will update this page as needed to keep our campus community informed.

If you are sick

If you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath, within 14 days after travel from any affected country or area with active community transmission, you should call ahead to Health Services or Employee Services or your primary healthcare provider and mention your symptoms and recent travel. If you have had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who has recently traveled from any affected country or area with active community transmission, you should call ahead to Student or Employee Health or your primary healthcare provider and mention your close contact and their recent travel. At this time, your healthcare provider will work with the Mississippi State Department of Health and CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19.


Students should contact Student Health for additional evaluation and information.

Faculty and Staff should contact Employee Health for additional evaluation and information.

If you are returning from an affected country or area:

Note that all college-affiliated international travel is prohibited until further notice.

The college will work with state and local public health officials to determine the best plan for when and how returning students, faculty and staff might return to the U.S. and Clarksdale. This will be dictated by current rules and guidelines by CDC and MS State Department of Health.

Any 泫圖app community member who has been in a country under a due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the past 14 days, or who has otherwise come in contact with someone with COVID-19, should notify the Student Health Center or Employee Health in order to receive healthcare monitoring and support. You should contact the Student Health Center or Employee Health even if you have been checked by the CDC or other entity at the airport.

  • CDC Alert Level 2 (Sustained Community Transmission, Practice Enhanced Precautions)
  • CDC Warning Level 3 (Avoid Non-Essential Travel), OR
  • U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 (Avoid Non-Essential Travel), OR
  • U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4 (Do Not Travel)

If you have traveled to one of these areas or have been exposed to someone sick with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, you will face some limitations on your movement and activity. This measure is in place to assist you and protect the health and safety of our community.

Students please call Health Services (662-621-4197) for additional evaluation and information.

Faculty and Staff please call Employee Services (662-621-4853) for additional evaluation and information.

Community members please call your doctor for additional evaluation and information.

Guidance on college-affiliated travel

All college-affiliated international travel is prohibited until further notice.

The college discourages college-affiliated domestic travel at this time, but it is not prohibited. Please consider the reason for any domestic travel and whether it will place you at heightened risk for contracting the virus. If you recently traveled domestically, self-monitor and if symptoms develop, contact Health Services or Employee Services.

From a public health standpoint, it is important for college officials to know who in our campus community has traveled outside of the country since the outbreak. Thats why the college has launched a Travel Reporting Portal to log any recent international travel (including personal travel) by faculty, staff and students. The spread of this epidemic is extremely fluid, and places that you visited recently could have become a hot spot while you were in country, which may not be evident until after your return to the United States.

Preventing the Illness

Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. To prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, the CDC recommends everyday preventive actions, including:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC also offers specific guidance for travelers.

CDC Risk Assessment and Management Recommendations

Support within the 泫圖app community

The fear and uncertainty that accompanies widespread illness can lead to many reactions. 泫圖app community members may have friends and family overseas who are affected and may be anxious or sad about the situation. They may also be overwhelmed by the amount of media coverage, both through news channels and social media.

As a college community known for caring about each other, this is a time when we all need to be understanding and compassionate to people who may be affected by the news. Also, we should be aware of and avoid broad generalizations and assumptions about China and people from Asian countries. Classifying Asian people as dangerous or sick, or making assumptions about a persons nationality based on their physical appearance reinforces long-standing histories of xenophobia and racism, whether intentional or not. Please treat all members of our community with respect and empathy as our college and the entire world deals with this evolving situation.

New Faculty, Staff, or Students who are Scheduled to Join 泫圖app

We appreciate that some departments are making hiring decisions and making decisions on the admission of graduate students. These decisions should not be based on the nationality or country of origin of the applicants. Please know that students, faculty and staff from affected areas will face some limitations on their movement and activity upon entering the U.S. This measure is in place to assist the individual and protect the health and safety of our community. These efforts may be directed by the CDC, U.S. State Department of Health, Mississippi State Department and/or the college. The college will work with state and local public health officials to determine the best plan for entering students, faculty and staff.

If your department is welcoming a visitor who is not a permanent member of the 泫圖app community (such as Visiting Scholars, Research Scholars, Recruits, etc.), please assess whether their presence is essential at this time.


Healthcare Concerns
Health Services

Employee Services

Media Inquiries
Marriel C. Hardy