

All students must be admitted to Ìð¹Ïapp in order to apply for campus housing. 

The college residence halls provide living quarters for men and women. All rooms are furnished; however, each student is responsible for their personal bed linens, towels, pillows, toiletries, and other needed items. 

Residents Handbook
Service and Support Animal Policy
Housing Emotional Support Animal Request Form

Residential room housing assignments are administered as follows:

  1.  Priority level assignments will be given to students who provide special service to the institution, making it imperative that they live on campus (i.e., athletes, performance groups, and leadership based organization members).

  2. The next level of assignments generally will be extracted from students who live in Ìð¹Ïapp's supporting counties. However, consideration will be given to those individuals who are considered out-of-district and out-of-state students with compelling circumstances. Ex. A resident student who is enrolled in a special program such as nursing or respiratory therapy.

  3. Any remaining space will be assigned according to the date the housing application is received via email from the student.

Residence hall room assignments are made by the Housing Department. Rooms are furnished to accommodate three occupants.

Ìð¹Ïapp affords the privilege for Full-time (15 hours) eligible students, to reside in campus residence halls. First preference is given to students who are Pell Grant Packaged as residents of the State of Mississippi that have means to pay for the room and board fees. Residence Hall occupants’ files are to be completed in the Office of Financial Aid before placement. The college has the right to refuse occupancy to any person who might pose a potential threat to the campus community. Any person who has been convicted of any criminal act will be considered for housing at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety and the Director of Student Engagement. The college has four (4) residence halls which are in operation for occupancy. Overnight guests are prohibited unless otherwise cleared by the dormitory manager. Guests are allowed in the residence halls, only if cleared by the dormitory manager. All guests are subject to all rules and regulations of the college and must sign-in and file a valid state driver’s license with the housing director. If trespassers are found to be in residence halls, and it is deemed that the occupant (s) is harboring a trespasser (s), then all involved will be arrested and bound over to the courts of Coahoma County. 

Children are a liability to the college, and are prohibited at all times in the residence halls. An underage guest has to be a minimum age of 13 to be considered for visitation or overnight stay with a relative or occupant. High School aged students/individuals are not to be in/on dormitory rooms/grounds of individuals of the opposite sex. A zero tolerance policy will be strictly enforced. Violators or aforesaid policy may lose housing privileges, fined, suspended, or expelled.

All of the dormitories have security camera systems that are monitored and maintained by the Department of Safety and Technology Services for occupants’ safety, theft prevention, and destruction to property. Two of the three residence halls have access control, wireless internet capabilities, and other amenities. The access control cards and room keys are issued to occupants at check-in and are expected to be returned at check-out. Failure to do so will result in a $20 replacement fee for the access card and a $100 replacement fee for the room key. Rooms and halls are to be kept clean at all times. A fine will be imposed if it is determined that dormitory rooms are not kept clean. A housing deposit of $100 per year is required prior to occupancy. The deposit is refundable at the end of the academic year or upon official withdrawal from the college, unless the student has an outstanding balance, such as tuition, room and board, fines, etc. Residence Hall Staff has the right to transfer/remove a student from a residence hall for issues, such as consistently committing student infractions, danger to themselves/others, or disrespect of residence hall staff/others.

Room visitation of the opposite sex is prohibited unless otherwise decided by the Coordinator of Housing and the Director of Student Engagement. If this privilege is granted, the room doors are to be left unlocked and housing staff has the right to check the room at any time during the visit. Students are to check-in with valid ID cards, and guests are to check-in with a valid state driver’s license. Sexual activity of any kind is prohibited on the campus of Ìð¹Ïapp. Violation of this policy may result in probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Ìð¹Ïapp reserves the right to check rooms and property therein at discretion, at any time. Residents are to comply with respect and assistance, if necessary. Residents do not have to be present at the time of the room check. Room checks can be done by Residence Assistants. Residence Assistants are employed by the Department of Housing and Safety to assist the dormitory managers in keeping order and other related duties as outlined in the Housing Policies and Procedures Manual which is available on the Student Life webpage (housing section) of the college’s website. RA’s are to be respected as college staff. If this process is not followed, sanctions will be imposed. For more detailed information as related to fees and housing policies, please access the Student Handbook.