
SACS Reaffirmation Plan & Timeline for QEP

QEP Director Glynda Duncan met with Margaret Dixon and Cynthia Roberson, Ìð¹Ïapp Director and Co-Director for Ìð¹Ïapp’s Institutional Effectiveness, on August 24, 2017, and established the following timeline for approval of College President Dr. Valmadge Towner.

QEP Team Planning Timeline

QEP Timeline  2017-2020 – Final Copy


SACS Reaffirmation Plan & Timeline for QEP


The original timeline was established in August 2017 by QEP Director Glynda Duncan and Co-Director Tony Brooks.  Each year, the timeline was updated and revised according to work accomplished and expected dates of work to be completed.  This is the completed copy for the three-year time period.  




Appoint QEP Director


August 2017

Train QEP Director for

Leadership Roles

SACS Liaison

SACS Leadership Institute Annual Meeting Dec. 2017

Appoint QEP Steering Committee

President; QEP Director; Research, Assessment and Strategic Planning; Institutional Effectiveness; and Dean of Academics

August 2017

Establish QEP Steering Committee meeting dates and Planning Schedule

QEP Director and Co-Director

August 2017

Identify all of College’s Stakeholders; gather prospective topics from questionnaires and surveys from 5-county district  

QEP Steering Committee

September-December 2017

Appoint specific duties & responsibilities to Steering Committee

QEP Director and Co-Director

August 2017

Conduct first surveys of All College Stakeholders, College Personnel and Student Body for topic ideas

QEP Steering Committee, Ìð¹Ïapp Faculty/Staff

October 2017 –

January 2018

Streamline 52-member Steering Committee into smaller 22-25 member QEP Team with student representation

QEP Director, Co-Director, Divisional Deans, President

January 2018

Develop a SACS Compliance and
QEP Planning Website


January-July 2018  

Present QEP Planning Timeline and Goals to Faculty/Staff Pre-Conference;

Student Success Skills Survey

QEP Director, Co-Director

January 2018

Research other institutions’ QEP Planning Websites

QEP Team

January-February 2018

Narrow Topic List from 5 to 3 Topics -- Website and Stakeholders

QEP Team

March 2018

Research Top 3 topic ideas

QEP Team

March-May 2018

Choose QEP Topic and present to Dr. Towner, Administration, Faculty/Staff for approval

QEP Director and Co-Director

May 2018

More Research for Topic specifics for Advisement (Orientation)

QEP Team

Sept. 2018-Jan. 2019

Review best practices of documenting advising and orientation and electronically tracking data in MyÌð¹Ïapp and Canvas

QEP Director & Co-Director, QEP Advisement Committee

March-December 2019

Revising Orientation Curriculum and seeking approval from Ìð¹Ïapp Curriculum Committee for Pilot Program

QEP Director & Co-Director, QEP Orientation Committee

April-May 2019

Professional Development for LLS 1311 instructors

QEP Director

May 2019

Timeframe for electronic data collection and venue for electronic documentation for Advisement Protocol and LLS 1311 in Canvas

QEP Director, Co-Director, IT Consultants, Divisional Deans

June-Dec. 2019



Implement QEP Pilot Program on Orientation and Advising

QEP Team & faculty

Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Renewed QEP Team with counselors, media specialists, and IT specialists

QEP Team

Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Finalizing Goals, Outcomes, Assessments, etc. of Topic; utilizing data from Pilot Course

QEP Team, IT consultants, ATD Collection

January-June 2020

Working through drafts of QEP Report and Lit Review

QEP Director

March-August 2020

Continue to train faculty for orientation course & advising

QEP Director & Co-Director, IT Consultant, Enrollment Manager

May 2019-Spring 2020

Collect data from Fall Pilot Course and compile for updated report to President and Trustees

QEP Director & Co-Director,

IT Consultants, ATD Data

June 2020

Revise Final QEP draft with edits and additions to President and Board

QEP Director & Co-Director, QEP Team,

SACS-COC Liaison, and Director of Research, Assessment and Strategic Planning

June-July 2020


Final QEP Report approved by Ìð¹Ïapp President and Board of Trustees and sent to SACS-COC

QEP Director, Co-Director, QEP Team, Director of Research, Assessment, and Strategic Planning, and Dean of Academic Affairs

August 2020

*Note: Ìð¹Ïapp’s Reaffirmation On-Site Peer Review will be conducted September 24-26, 2020.  The Final QEP is due to the commission 4-6 weeks in advance of the On-Site Review.





TABLE 10:  QEP Team Planning Timeline

QEP Timeline  2017-2020 – First Revised Timeline


SACS Reaffirmation Plan & Timeline for QEP


QEP Director Glynda Duncan and Co-Director Tony Brooks re-evaluated work accomplished and work to be done to adapt revised QEP Timeline from August 2017 to August 2018.  This is the revised timeline for 2018-2020.   




Appoint QEP Director


August 2017

Train QEP Director for

Leadership Roles

SACS Liaison

SACS Leadership Institute Annual Meeting Dec. 2017

Appoint QEP Team


August 2017

Appoint QEP Team and committees

QEP Director

Institutional Effectiveness

August 2017

Establish QEP Team and Committee meeting dates and Planning Schedule

QEP Director

August 2017

Identify All of College’s Stakeholders and Gather Possible Topics for QEP

QEP Team

September-October 2017

Plan and Develop College’s QEP

QEP Team

Sept. 2017-July 2019

Appoint QEP Team and Committees and appoint duties and responsibilities

QEP Director and Co-Directory

August-October 2017

Conduct first surveys of All College Stakeholders, College Personnel and Student Body for topic ideas

QEP Team

October-Dec. 2017

Develop a SACS Compliance and
QEP Planning Website


September 2017-June 2018

Present First PowerPoint of QEP Planning Timeline and Goals to College’s Personnel  at Pre-Conference

QEP Director, Co-Director and Team members

January 2018

Research other institutions’ QEP Planning Websites

QEP Team

January-February 2018

Provide Narrowed Topic List – Top 3 topics  -- to All College Stakeholders

QEP Team

March 2018

Research Top 3 topic ideas

QEP Team

March-July  2108

Present Topic to QEP Team and Leadership Team for Approval

QEP Director and Co-Director

August 2018

Flesh out different QEP components and construct implementation plan

QEP Director and Co-Director, QEP Team

Sept. 2018-Jan. 2019

Submit QEP working components to Administration for Approval

QEP Director and Co-Director

February-May 2019

Provide Professional Development Training for QEP components

QEP Director and Co-Director

May 2019 – July 2020

Submit Final QEP to President for Approval

QEP Direct, Co-Director, and SACS Liaison

June 2019

Begin Pilot Course LLS 1311

QEP Team

August 2019- May 2020

Documentation venue for Advisement 

QEP Co-Director, IT Consultant

June 2019-January 2020

Adapting documentation and collection methods

Director, Co-Director, ATD Data Collection, IT consultant

June 2019-July 2020

Documentation venue for Advisement 

QEP Co-Director, IT Consultant

June 2019-January 2020

Pull data and analyze results of Pilot LLS 1311

QEP Director, Co-Director

October 2019-May 2020

Provide Professional Development training for all QEP components

QEP Director, Co-Director, Enrollment Manager, and IT consultant

January 2020-August 2020


Drafts of Lit Review and QEP report;

Approved by Board of Trustees and reviewed professionally 

QEP Director, Co-Director, Director of Research, Assessment and Strategic Planning, and SACS-COC liaison 

January-May 2020

Final QEP report approved by President and Board and Trustees.

Sent to SACS-COC for review

QEP Director, Co-Director, Director of Research, Assessment and Strategic Planning

August 2020

*Note: Ìð¹Ïapp’s Reaffirmation On-Site Peer Review will be conducted September 2020.  The Final QEP is due to the commission 4-6 weeks in advance of the On-Site Review.