
Three committees are appointed to hold hearings for students accused of violating the regulations of the college:

Inter-Student Management Disciplinary Council-composed of student management professionals (Director or Assistant Director presiding officer/designee) hears all informal cases and in some instances cases of formal proceedings, involving minor and moderate infractions that will constitute sanctions of probation, fines, suspension from the college, residence halls/buildings/bus in length, and/or community service. The council sometimes can be composed of various student management professionals that can hear a formal case, and also in rare cases in which the Administrative Judicial Council sends a case (s) back to a lower council. The council also serves as an appellate council.

Student Judicial (court) Council-composed of Student Government Association members (Chief Justice of the SGA-presiding officer; Faulty member and staff member advisor) The council hears cases that the Director or Assistant Director considers to be minor/moderate infractions that will constitute sanctions of probation, fines, suspension from residence halls/buildings/bus in length, and/or community service. Council makes recommendation to the Director Student Engagement to uphold, reject, or modify sanctions imposed in the informal hearing.

Administrative Judicial Council-composed of a quorum of the executive cabinet of the college (Director of Student Engagement -presiding officer-ex officio member), the council hears cases that the Director of Student Engagement constitute to be severe infractions that may lead to a recommendation of extensive suspension or expulsion. Before proceedings began, council reserves the right to send the case back to a lower court based on the merit (s) of the infraction per reading all reports. Council also serves as an appellate council.


Note: The Director of Student Engagement and/or the Director of Campus Safety also reserve the right to meet with students outside of council proceedings in an effort to minimize the volume of cases being referred. The Director of Student Engagement and/or the Director of Campus Safety have the right to remove a student from campus and off campus sites until more official proceedings can materialize. In cases involving the Director of Student Engagement, the Assistant Director/designee will serve as the presiding officer.

Judicial Process>