
Ìð¹Ïapp encourages college approved clubs and organizations.  Clubs and organizations provide opportunities for students to develop leadership qualities necessary to be contributing members of society.

Checklist for Starting a Club or Organization
Clubs and Organization Registration Form
Advisor Commitment Form
Student Activity Form

Facility Request Form
Student Organization Manual

College approved Clubs and Organizations:

Student organizations provide an opportunity to discover and develop leadership skills, to make a positive contribution to co-curricular campus life, and to develop socialization skills with fellow students. The student organizations at Ìð¹Ïapp are as diverse as the student enrollment and were developed to create avenues for increased learning and community spirit. Student Organizations are governed by policies set forth by the Division of Student Engagement. In order for Clubs and Organizations to participate in major functions (Homecoming Activities, Coronation, host campus/off-campus events) the are to be deemed active by the guidelines set forth by the Division of Student Engagement. The following are recognized clubs and organizations on the Coahoma Community College campus:

ACCOUNTING SOCIETY:  This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in accounting practices and to be exposed to various careers in the field. Upon the permission of the advisor, students of any classification are eligible for membership.  Deborah Carter, Advisor: dcarter@coahomacc.edu

AMBASSADORS: This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in activities of the college.  Students are introduced to the history of the college and represent the college with the recruiting staff.  Upon an interview of the advisor, students of any classification are eligible for membership.  The Ambassadors participate in various activities of the college on and off campus.  Trina Cox, Advisor:tcox@coahomacc.edu

BAND: This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in group musical playing and performances. With an audition from the Director of Bands, students of any classification are eligible for membership.  The band participates in on and off campus activities. Eddie Buggs, Advisor: ebuggs@coahomacc.edu

BAPTIST STUDENT UNION (BSU): This organization is designed for students wanting to experience knowing Christ and to make Him known.  Through small group Bible studies that help develop a deeper knowledge of God, spiritual accountability is built with students. Retreats, conferences, and seminars are opportunities available through this club.

BARBERING & COSMETOLOGY STYLIST: This organization is designed to give barbering and cosmetology students an opportunity to participate in group practical settings. Students are introduced to the best practices of barbering and cosmetology.  With the permission of the advisors, students of any classification are eligible for membership. Reginald Thomas and Nancy Howard, Advisors: rthomas@coahomacc.edu/nhoward@coahomacc.edu

Ìð¹Ïapp CHOIR (PHI CHI PSI): This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in group singing and choral music activities.  Students are introduced best practices in music arrangements. With an audition from the Director, students of any classification are eligible for membership.  The choir participates in state meetings and festivals and gives concerts on and off campus. Kelvin Towers, Advisor: ktowers@coahomacc.edu

THE COAHOMA MALE: This club is to provide services to the Coahoma male student that will enhance the probability of the student's successful matriculation to graduation by eliminating potential barriers to success.  Male students of any classification are eligible for participation. Jerome Coley, Advisor: jcoley@coahomacc.edu

The COAHOMAN: This is an annual yearbook that presents a pictorial history of events of the school year.  It represents the student body, faculty, staff, campus activities, and events. The Year Book Staff facilitates selections for this club. Trina Cox and Christohper Dixon, Advisors: tcox@coahomacc.edu/ cdixon@coahomacc.edu

COMPUTER SCIENCE SOCIETY: This organization is composed of computer majors and other students who are interested in the objectives of the club.  Objectives of this club include: to help each member develop a sense of responsibility and a more cooperative attitude through group participation; and to help each member learn to think critically. Jeremy Pittman, Advisor:  japittman@coahomacc.edu

CRIMINAL JUSTICE SOCIETY: The Criminal Justice Department provides an opportunity for students to make use of current materials in discussing vital issues that affect the criminal justice field and to provide career pathways in the field. Rosie Miller, Advisor: rmiller@coahomacc.edu

DELTA EPSILON CHI: is a collegiate organization to enhance the co–curricular education of students with interest in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. Delta Epsilon Chi helps students to develop skills and competence for business careers, to build self–esteem, to experience leadership and to practice community service.

DORMITORY COUNCIL:  Student Housing and Residence Life sponsors the Residence Hall Council to ensure the participation of residents in creating an environment and providing experiences conducive to academic and social development.  Dian Thomas, Advisor: dpthomas@coahomacc.edu

EDUCATION CLUB: This club is designed to alert the awareness of its members of the current and innovative issues in education.  It further fosters experiences in leadership and group activities and acquaints the students with the opportunities and responsibilities of the teacher profession.  Membership is opened primarily to General, Early Childhood, Elementary, Special, and Secondary Education majors, or any student who endorses the goals and objectives of the club.
Teresa Calhoun Taylor and Amy Landfair, Advisors: tctaylor@coahomacc.edu/alandfair@coahomacc.edu

ENGLISH CLUB: The English Department sponsors the English Club for the purpose of stimulating students’ interest in reading and language.  English majors are required to become members; however, all students are encouraged to join. David Jones, Advisor: djones@coahomacc.edu

ENACTUS formerly SIFE:
 A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world.
 Deborah Carter, Advisor: dcarter@coahomacc.edu

  • Entrepreneurial -- having the perspective to see an opportunity and the talent to create value from that opportunity
  • Action - the willingness to do something and the commitment to see it through even when the outcome is not guaranteed
  • Us - a group of people who see themselves connected in some important way; individuals that are part of a greater whole

EPICUREAN CLUB: This club is established to expose students to the art of fine dining and etiquette. Lee Craven, Advisor: lcraven@coahomacc.edu

FEDERATION OF LPN CLUB: This organization is an educational association of student members preparing for or in the License Practical Nursing program.  
Chequitia Dixon, Advisor: chdixon@coahomacc.edu

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES (FCA)): The Ìð¹Ïapp Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Ìð¹Ïapp- FCA) is a club that focuses on presenting to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. 
Austin Biggs, Advisor: abiggs@coahomacc.edu

FRESHMAN CLASS: This class of students plan and carry out social and retention class initiative programs. Its membership is made up of Freshman class members only. Yvoinne Mickel, Advisor: ygardner@coahomacc.edu

HEALTH & PHYSICAL ED:  This club affords physical education majors and other interested students the opportunity to participate in many phases of physical education programs.  Members are taught to officiate and render this service to the school’s intramural program. Selina Reid, Advisor: sreid@coahomacc.edu

MOSA CLUB-ADN PROGRAM: This club affords Associate Degree in Nursing majors and other interested students the opportunity to participate in many phases of nursing practices.  Members are taught the different types of nursing careers and compete for regional recognition. Lorean Willingham, Advisor: lwillingham@coahomacc.edu

MULTI-MEDIA CLUB: The Ìð¹Ïapp Multimedia Club (Ìð¹ÏappMMC) is a club that focuses on learning about and creating various multimedia projects, such as photography, video, audio, graphics, web site management, etc.  Membership to this club is a selective process through the Department of Web Services. Ezra Howard, Advisor: ehoward@coahomacc.edu

NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY: National Technical Honor Society is a national junior college honorary society in the career technical area promoting scholarship, leadership, and the development of character. Eligibility for membership includes a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.25 or better in technical programs and an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, evidence of good character, and membership in extracurricular activities. Tolernisa Bulter, Advisor: trbutler@coahomacc.edu

PHI BETA LAMBDA:  is a business organization designed to prepare the student for success as leaders in business, government, and the community.  Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development.  Kim Hollins, Advisor: khollins@coahomacc.edu

PHI THETA KAPPA (ALPHA OMICRON PI CHAPTER): This national community/ junior college honorary society promotes scholarship, leadership, and the development of character.  Eligibility for membership includes a grade point average of 3.50 or better, evidence of good character and membership in extra curricula activities.  In addition, students desiring to join the society must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours at Ìð¹Ïapp and must be enrolled for a minimum of twelve academic semester hours during the semester he is elected to the society.  Students who become members are eligible for academic scholarships set up specifically for them at numerous colleges and universities throughout the United States. Monica Tompkins and Joharrison Rockett, Advisors: mthompkins@coahomacc.edu/jrockett@coahomacc.edu

PRECONCEPTION PEER EDUCATOR (PPE): This club is designed to reach college-aged students with targeted health messages emphasizing preconception health and care as well as train students to become peer educators on the campus.   LaShundra Crittle and Dian Thomas, Advisors: lcrittle@coahomacc.edu/dpthomas@coahomacc.edu

RESPIRATORY CARE: This club affords respiratory care majors and other interested students the opportunity to participate in many phases of respiratory care.  Members are taught the different facets of this allied health field.  Willie Lockett, Advisor: wlockett@coahomacc.edu

SCIENCE & MATH SYMPOSIUM: This organization is composed of science and mathematics majors and other students who are interested in the objectives of the club.  Objectives of this club include: to help each member develop a sense of responsibility and a more cooperative attitude through group participation; to help each member learn to interpret and analyze the issue of science and mathematics; to help each member learn to think critically; to encourage research in the sciences and mathematics and present seminars; and to have members meet famous/outstanding personalities in the fields of science and mathematics.  Catelin Britt, Advisor: cbritt@coahomacc.edu

SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIETY: The weekly forums under the sponsorship of the Social Science Department provide the opportunity for students to make use of current reading materials in discussing vital social problems and relative careers in the field. Vivian Williams, Advisor: vwilliams@coahomacc.edu

SOPHOMORE CLASS: This class of students plans and carries out social and retention/graduation class initiative programs and its membership is made up of Sophomore students only. Deborah Carter, Advisor: dcarter@coahomacc.edu

SKILLS USA: is the official student organization for those individuals enrolled in trade, industrial, technical, and training programs.  As an integral part of the instructional program, the club activities that are planned, initiated, and conducted by members; help the students develop social and leadership abilities as well as occupational skills.  All career technical students are expected to be active and supportive in club activities. Shelia Sanders, Advisor: ssanders@coahomacc.edu

SPANISH CLUB (PURA VIDA): Promotes peace through understanding among all people; Increase cultural awareness by sponsoring activities which promote understanding and goodwill; Seek creativity in diversity while improving and expanding upon the efforts toward this goal; Organize educational and cultural activities that will promote the studies of Hispanic language, literature, and culture; Promote appreciation and understanding of the Hispanic/Latino culture; Contribute and encourage the study and appreciation of the Spanish language. Raymond Pullen, Advisor: rpullen@coahomacc.edu

STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION: The purpose of the Student Government Association is to serve as a liaison between the administration, faculty, staff, and student body.  It provides for student participation in school government, establishes better student-teacher relationships, affords training in citizenship, and ensures a sincere respect for the aims and objectives of Coahoma Community College. Christopher Dixon, Advisor: cdixon@coahomacc.edu

WESLEY FOUNDATION: The Wesley Foundation at Ìð¹Ïapp is a campus ministry/organization that seeks to embody the love of God known through the life and work of Jesus Christ.  We strive to offer a spiritual home, provide opportunities for personal growth and spiritual formation, serve Christ by serving others, work for peace with justice, develop Christian leaders, and provide outreach through missions.  Pastor Chris Diggs, Advisor